Link of the Day [11.10.08]

Is it “populist” or “popular?” I can’t believe that the Republicans would embrace populist stances. They know of populism, but being anti-intellectual they don’t know populism. Theirs is more an rhetoric of populism. They are rather focused on an oligarchy that would do well and the populace to do only as the oligarchs deem allowable. The oligarchs would know what’s best for you. Abortion rights? Christian nation? White people? No gays. No Catholics. No godless heathens. Only those who believe can be part of this cult.

I remember during the 2000 election season a muslim co-worker told me he was going to vote Republican. I wondered why? His skin was as dark as mine. He was doing it because of the conservative nature of his religion meshed well with the conservative nature of the Republican party. I often wonder how after eight years of W. he feels about his choice.

You cannot hew to the mindless without getting into trouble.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.