Customize Your Own Cup Noodle

Customize Your Own Cup Noodle
Originally uploaded by daryck.
Would you consider this good?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

6 Replies to “Customize Your Own Cup Noodle”

  1. I’m gonna answer that!!!


    It’s like eating Mongolian rice but Japanese ramen style.

    There goes another craving…

  2. What flavors would you make?

    I think I would stick to the basic beef.

  3. i like shrimp. second is the thinly sliced pork.


  4. I wonder if all the ingredients are dehydrated?

    Add the peas!
    Add the flakes of beef!

    Little tiny shrimp? Add it!

    It’s sort of the ice cream topping bar of cup noodles!

  5. thinly sliced pork and some wakame and bean sprouts… ooooohhhh!!!!

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