Nendoroids In Flight

flying Miku
Originally uploaded by dyril.
Hatsune Miku, so kawaii, she floats. I just love this photo.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Nendoroids In Flight”

  1. yeah! that is absolutely cute!

  2. I wonder how they took this shot. Did it get thrown? Are there any wires? It’s pretty awesome.

  3. I’ll tell you what’s awesome, what’s awesome is that you commented on the person’s pic with “OMG”. I can’t ever imagine you uttering those words out of your mouth the way that expression is used. On the net it comes off more metrosexual. Hee hee.

    It’s funny how comments on the net make everyone sound like a bunch of highschool kids passing notes.

  4. i cannot stop laughing!

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