Link of the Day [11.27.08]

Forget their blue ray releases, here’s something even more amazing from Criterion: online viewing. For $5, you can watch some of their movies online. I’ve seen at least two on the list, Sans Soliel and Cranes Flying. I would watch Cranes again, but I already got the other.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Link of the Day [11.27.08]”

  1. Criterion online? Isn’t the whole point of Criterion are remastered classics to it’s most pristine state? High def is the way to go. I’m waiting for anything Fellini in HD. To see Ran or Bicycle Thief on a huge screen in High def will surely transport you.

    But that is cool if you just want instant gratification. I’m just hoping Netflix gets these discs in.

  2. and why should “my” movie be the first on the list? i can watch “Au Revoir…” over and over and over and over… again. =D

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