iPhone ruined everything

I just bought a PSP to play my Macross Ace Frontier. Shopping for gifts, I think I’m actually on my own gift list.

Starting it up I had to configure it for the first time. I need to set the date. I need to set the time and time zone. I need to choose a user name. All this is done using the controls of the device. When it came time to enter a name, I was trying to type on the screen! WTF! There’s no touchscreen on this thing! For the price, that sucks.

Anywhoo, it’s one of the worst experiences trying to use the built in web browser with only a control pad. URL entry is torture. I suggest you give the prisoners in Gutanamo free internet access, but the PSP as their input method. They will confess to killing JFK just for want of a normal user experience.

Thank the kami-sama for iPhone for soon every handheld device will adopt the touch screen.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.