Link of the Day [12.09.08]

I link to the New York Times more than any other site in my daily links.
I wonder if it's because I am lazy or if I find there stories and
articles good. Most likely, it's because it is one of the first stops
in the morning to read, and if you don't have the daily link already
pre-loaded a post, then you'll post almost anything looking for
something interesting. I haven't pre-loaded posts in a week, so I'm
scrambling to find you, my dear readers, something interesting to read.It's been cold this past weekend, and only is it supposed to warm up
again. So, with the cold and with some snow, we turn our ideas to
winter sports namely snowboarding. I haven't been in the last two
seasons. Two winters ago was the warmest that it has ever been; I think
I rode my bike one warm January day. I wasn't even thinking about
snowboarding that winter. Last year, it was more of the same except
that the final weeks in January and February were cold enough, but I was
too lazy to want to go ride.Maybe, if we had a late season like they do at Riksgransen I would've
ridden more. Not until the end did I want to carve some s-turns over
freshly groomed slopes.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.