Me v. ImDB 250

Hey. Check this link out and see how many of's 250 best films
you have seen. I think the first link is to my score to which you can
compare yourself to. I think the seed will take this one. And the
second link is a static link to reference my score again. If you're
feeling bold, post the static link to your score in comments, and we'll
all have a laugh.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Me v. ImDB 250”



    I never new Amelie is actually "The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain" Crazy. One of my all time faves. I can't believe you never saw it. But I don't know if you'd be into it. Ahhh… Paris.

    I also didn't know Amores Perros meant Loves a "Bitch". Never knew. Now the dog sequence/reference makes more sense. Still didn't care for it.

    Can't believe "Slumdog" and "Let The Right One In" are there. Maybe those are tie breakers for super film geekoids.

    Can't believe you never saw Shawshank Redemption, Schindler's List or Usual Suspects. But most of all Lawrence of FRIGGEN Arabia!!!!

  2. I perhaps have about 20 more than I saw in parts and never sat down to watch as a whole. Lawrence Arabia is one.

    Those three you mention, I really never could get up to watching. I think, “let me pick this,” but I always choose something else.

  3. i didnt copy my URL. sux. im 38% according to this. 38% crazy.

  4. @marge: no link?! but how are we gonna laugh ;p Hee hee. Of course, the seeds got this in the bag so….

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