Apple v Sony

If you talk about overpriced, highly stylized personal electronic equipment, the companies that jump to the fore are Apple and Sony. They are the two companies that take pride in making consumer electronics that you want to touch and own, to display and fondle, and to have. They make things sexy. Except Apple beats the pants off of Sony when it comes to the unsexy part of the equipment.

Look at the design choices that Apple has made into their plugs and chargers. They still reek of elegance. Look at the design choices that Sony made for their plug and charger. Rather, look at the lack of a design choice. That PSP may look cool, but I just want to plug that thing in a hole in the ground so that I don’t have to look at that ugly.

When will we finally get other consumer electronics makers thinking about the whole experience of owning the junk we buy. Thank kami-sama for Apple. They force others into thinking about design. Let’s just hope the others decide to think all of it through.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Apple v Sony”

  1. why do you have a PSP? 😉

  2. I ask that myself. You know how many figures that could’ve bought? All the nendoroids I wanted…

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