Link of the Day [12.17.08]

Lots of memories about going to the library when I was younger. Picked up my reading habits there: books on ghosts and haunted houses, lots of serial comic strips — Peanuts, Dennis the Menace, Marmaduke, and choose your adventure stories.

Those choose your adventure stories were the dumbest because I only got four pages before dying. And I would always die by some cave in or falling off a cliff or perhaps being killed by the basilisk. Yes, it was that stupid.

Today’s link is for you to craft your own adventure. Choose your choice or make a new selection. Just go have fun.

(ht Marge at the fishtank)

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Link of the Day [12.17.08]”

  1. Those books are rigged

  2. Just read it straight through. I always wonder if there are some pages that you can never get to them. Perhaps they were put there just to read.

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