Link of the Day [12.18.08]

To watch Wall St. come crashing down is very fascinating. It makes you
angry and sick thinking about it all. The more you think about it, the
more "the market" seems to be a big scam. It's greed I tell you. There
is no higher goal within "the market." It's just to make money for
myself, and if you so happen to make money with me, then good for you,
but I can't care if you do or not.While I understand that "the market" gives us jobs and makes the world
churn, I hate it for how indescriminate it is. There is no hard work
there. It's plain luck and who-you-know that'll make you money. You
bring to "the market" your sense of morals and it will reward you with
what it sees fit. It's too bad that those who choose the life of
working "the market" are unscrupulous bastards.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.