Marley & Me

What’s so special about a dog? Marley & Me has the answer. Of course, all dogs in movies are special, and your dog is also special. Dogs in general are special except Cujo and that mutt of yours that shat and pissed everywhere in your house while tearing things up. Of course, that can also describe the adorable Marley.

It’s a movie of how a dog touched the lives of its owners as they grew from a couple to a family. You know how that works: meet cute, go over the good times, show the trouble with the dog, go over the bad times, the kids show up and overtake the dog, they grow up, they grow older, the dog grows older, the dog will die. Then the lights come up and the little girls behind you are sobbing their eyes out.

Dogs are special. This movie isn’t.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Marley & Me”

  1. I read that book last year…I’m positive its a better read then it is a movie…even if it has cutie Owen in it…

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