Link of the Day [1.09.09]

Don’t let Marge @ the FishTank see this or else she’ll go on a ramen craving but find disappointment (and high blood pressure) in cup noodle.

Today’s link takes you to Anime News Network where you can get all your latest news about anime, manga and the like. You don’t need that news? My bad. I thought you were as geeky as me. Today’s link also takes you to where you can watch the episodes free of charge. This type of streaming may be better than downloading a torrent of the anime you want to watch. At the very least, it’s legit.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Link of the Day [1.09.09]”

  1. oh yes! the first 10 minutes had ramen spilt all over because she was fighting. pfft!

    i saw this anime before. i cannot tolerate her.

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