Link of the Day [1.14.09]

This is a post-it note type of link so that I won't forget about the
links on this page. Note to self: Get rid of some manga.I'm piling them up really quickly, and I'm in desperate need to get rid
of some. It's not that I don't enjoy them, but that there are some that
I don't want to read again. I need to sell these volumes or trade them
for ones I want. Do you need any?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Link of the Day [1.14.09]”

  1. I don’t remember you saying that. Plus, do they take manga?

  2. or i mentioned to you before but never gave u the site. and yes, i believe they do take manga. they have a manga forum in the site.

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