This is BrowserMetric’s 2002nd post. I would of congratulated myself on the 2000th post, but forgot.

It’s been a quick run up to this many number because of starting my lotd and qotd posts. They’re hard to keep up and at times difficult to find something interesting for them. If you indulge me for a little while they’ll keep on coming for a little more time coming. I know for sure that they’ll be stopping though, but that time is coming in the future.

I had done this post to once again break up the monotony of seeing the lotd and qotd in my RSS readers. This makes it look almost human now.

The 2nd annual BrowserMetrics Oscar pool is going to be starting. I’ve upped the number of prizes. So look for the opening post soon.

Thanks for your support over these 2002 posts.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.