Music Sounds Better With You

When I was holed up at my Mom’s, and when MTV2 was just about to go lame, I caught this video. Loved the groove. Loved the song. Never remembered who it was. I asked the internets on the imd message board to identify the song by describing what I could recall of the video. They nailed it within a day: Stardust’s Music Sounds Better With You. I’d like to share it with you.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

9 Replies to “Music Sounds Better With You”

  1. this was part of a couple CD mixes i had before. also, im always interested in that airplane on the video.

  2. Should I pick one up at the model shop for you?

  3. uhm, that means i have to build it… ?

  4. then, thank you. i’ll pass for now. =D

  5. Hey. If that kid could do it, so can you? I’ve got the glue. What’re you waiting for?

  6. LoL! =p but id rather not dishearten that kid. =)

  7. I think you're scared of the ironing part. Melt the plastic right to the frame. Then she won't fly. >_<

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