
Paul Krugman, I link to him almost weekly, hits it out of the park
again. He excoriates the "centrists" of the Senate who doomed the
stimulus bill to almost comical mediocrity. I just wish he named names.
Collins (ME) *cough* Nelson (NE) *cough* Fools the both of them. Fools
for believing them.Obama's turn to the middle is terribly misguided. If I wanted some
centrist ideology in my president, then I would've voted for Mrs.
Clinton. There's nothing to gain in inviting Republicans to sing
Kumbaya with you. They're busy sharpening their knives. You dance with
them and you'll have a shiv in your back. The centrists are the ones
playing the dance music.The shrill one is back. Damn right, Paul. Damn right.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/09/opinion/09krugman.html?partner=permali

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.