Deep Thought: Athletic Division 32

Michael Phelps must be praising kami-sama for the start of baseball season and Alex Rodriguez. Ooops.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Deep Thought: Athletic Division 32”

  1. I’m sure Phelps is busy training to prove himself all over again rather than worried about people needing ENHANCERS to be more than they are.

    This explains Phelps crazy ass eating habit. He smokes up, loads up on foods, then trains his ass off.

  2. Yes, but now there’s another misfit athlete doing drugs so that we don’t have to worry about Phelps smoking bongs. Phelps smoking bongs is fucking hilarious. A-Rod on ‘roids is fucked up.

  3. I still wonder how that gets by the trainers. It’s a little sketchy. It’s a sad thing that people resort to enhancers.

  4. A-Rod! first Madonna, and now enhancers?!? sheesh! NYY will never be the same again… or will it be?

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