Chasing an Active Morning

It's 5:45 when I roll out of bed. Shower. Brush. Dress. I'm checking
email while listening to tunes on iPhone. I'm wanting to take off for
work, but decide on snacking: pan de sal and coffee for breakfast. Take
out the trash. Change the trashcan liner. Then it's to Itsuki-chan and
my morning commute.I'm running from the darkness and into the light. West to east. The
dawn is comforting, but daybreak is coming. I merge into traffic. It's a bit disorienting with the half-light of
the morn. All cars have their lights on and they dazzle me in the rear
view. We're going 80 MPH. But we're not awake yet. On this same
stretch of road during the day, we'd all be doing 65 MPH. Strange that
the morning commute makes you want to get to work faster. I wish I
didn't.I'm lost in thought. Trying to remember emails. Trying to craft emails
in my head. What should it say? How pathetic should I be? How
pathetic do I come off? This is pathetic, so concentrate on the road. Then this blog post comes up. Driving fast to work. Watching dawn
break in the east. Tail-gaters with their lights disorienting me. This
blog post.Did I just pass 95? Am I at work?Forty-two minutes. Sit down. Compose the post — 7:07 AM. Good morning.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Chasing an Active Morning”

  1. Funny, I was thinking “brush?” what does he have to brush?

  2. I thought maybe I should have qualified that but it was much better in staccato bursts — “verb. verb. verb.”

  3. “Staccato Bursts”…I like that.

  4. Thanks, BR! 🙂

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