He’s Just Not That Into You

I was dragged kicking and screaming to He’s Just Not That Into You. Do I have to know how foolish we make ourselves out to be as we try to find that special person?


With that being said, it was a strange movie that reveled in dating tropes that it tried so hard to make fun of. I guess that it is difficult, because we are all fools once. (Twice a fool is just stupid.)

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “He’s Just Not That Into You”

  1. “I was dragged kicking and screaming” says the man who wanted to see Enchanted and Twilight.

    This movie just makes you want to watch Love Actually.

  2. But I actually liked this one…

  3. I know. I just thought it was funny how you really didn’t want to see this. It’s just a comedy on relationships. It’s not like dragging people to Revolutionary Road… heh.

  4. Relationships… are… confounding.

  5. guys, be happy that i didnt drag u to “Shopaholic”.

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