How much in the jar?

How much in the jar?
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
This is about 15 years of change. Do you know how much is in there? Care to take a guess?

It’s a pickle jar 10″ tall and 6″ diameter. Nothing but silver should be in there (hopefully no pennies). The whole shebang weighs 40 lbs. I’ve been to several foreign countries in those years. Canadian loonies sometimes get mixed up as US coins.

How much do you think is in their? What foreign coins may be mixed in there? Any pennies?

Post your guess in comments.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

6 Replies to “How much in the jar?”

  1. No wait… $778

    That’s my final answer.

    Too bad we will never know. You should change it and start anew.

  2. I’m in the same range. I forgot what I calculated something like $745. I feel it may be around $600.

  3. Athos21, why not 137 million?

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