Link of the Day [4.03.09]

Netflix is another “social” site I am on, and it sent me a notification from theSeed. It seems that he really, really, really liked the Swedish moody vampire love study, Let the Right One In. When I saw it, I knew it was right up his alley. Anywhoo, here’s a comparison of the book to the movie. Who knew the girl was supposed to be a guy?,25503/

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Link of the Day [4.03.09]”

  1. I loved how it made everything feel fresh. The Morse Code at the end was wonderful.

    Amazing blend of genres and yet it was effortless in it’s story telling. Really well done film.

    I didn’t think I was going to like it that much. Most of the films I hear about always tout the films as “best ever” or “completely original” but most fall by the wayside. I’m usually skeptical upon hearing reviews and recommendations.

    This one the other hand actually was everything and more. It’s sort of like how Seven Samurai is every movie you ever wanted to see in one film. Heh.

  2. It felt like a Gerry film.

    So are you going to read the book?

  3. I need to finish Twilight first. Heh. Still trying to get through my Color Apple Training Series book. But after reading part of the article(I didn’t read all of it cause I don’t want to be spoiled when I get the book) I definitely want to. It sounds pretty damn good.

    It doesn’t help to have Let’s Golf on my iPhone.

    I really wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did. I thought I’d just be seeing some cool genre horror film, but came away with something cooler. I thought it would be like The Host or something.

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