First Place, Baby!

I'm still high coming off the Opening Day awesome win over the hated
Yankees. I'm still happy for the new Kiko Garcia, No. 3, Cesar Izturis,
hitting that home run to put the game away. So when I look at the
standings going into the third game of the season and I see an
undefeated, first place team, I'm happy. YAY! I missed most all of last night's game, Koji "Kojira" Uehara debut in
the Orange and Black. I should've gone as the place was only half
packed. Today's game is at 1:35. I love day games. I should sneak out of work.
That would be so fun.Hopefully, we can break out the brooms for a sweep.Go O's!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.