Link of the Day [4.13.09]

Right around starting to watch anime and reading manga, I started to like watching baseball. I think it was the fact that the Japanese like the game a lot, and I just naturally gravitated to liking it too. Not to mention the fact that the greatest episode of Haruhi had to be the boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya where the SOS Brigade had to win a baseball game so that the world did not collapse because of Suzumiya-sama. But I hadn’t read or watched a sports manga/anime. I did read some Prince of Tennis, and picked up in the bookstore Slam Dunk, but those aren’t my sports. What I really wanted was a baseball manga. They just don’t bring those to America, because they think that the game is no longer our national pastime.

So I read about this Cross Game anime that is new this year. And I hit the torrent sites for it. The first episode is awesome. I’m amazed by it, because it looks so simple and for a younger set, but the twists and turns of the story are very mature. It also has zero fan service and isn’t any moe.

I’m hoping you read today’s link and too decide to watch it, because I can’t wait to see how this one turns out.


Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.