Kawaii Overload

Kawaii Overload Nozomi Sasaki 4232009
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

View the original here: http://ameblo.jp/sasaki-nozomi/entry-10247914065.html

I just had to swipe it from her blog because… well… just look at how cute…


Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Kawaii Overload”

  1. “OMG!” LOL! ROTFL!!! =p

  2. Why must you mock me? 🙁

    That was my reaction when I checked her blog out today. She’s so cute. And Nozomi-chan is sweet, too!

    That is the greatest.

  3. ooookkkkaaayyyy! sorry?! =D

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