Last Place?

Tried to watch some of the early evening Orioles game from Tampa. They were up 3-1 in the sixth when I tuned in. Kojira was pitching good. Then the wheels came off. They lost 6-3. This is going to be a long season. Kojira is decent, but then he goes to pot in the sixth. Jeez.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Last Place?”

  1. Pitching still sucks. Koji can’t make it past sixth inning even though he’s done real great in the earlier innings. Hitting is terrible. Rely too much on homers for runs. Their bottom of the order blows – 6,7,8,9 can’t get on base so there good hitters can’t drive in runs.

    It’s gonna be a tough thing to stay out of the bottom.

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