“Remember the Time”

In college, the first one, I had a real good friend whom I ate dinner with. She would usually drop by my dorm room to pick me up, and I would usually be watching MTV. That’s what you did as a college student watch television. And drink heavily, but that is another story.

It always seems she dropped by whenever Michael Jackson’s video would be on. First, it would be that morphing video for “Black or White.” White guys turning into black girls with the asian dude thrown in as an afterthought. Next, it would be “Remember the Time.” She would note that Eddie Murphy hadn’t done anything in a while and that Imam is not as hot as Naomi Campbell. Then she would say that Magic Johnson should not wear those Egyptian clothes at all because his knees look funny. Then we would laugh as Jackson would turn into a million balls. He was always a showman.

And he’s gone. At 50.

RIP Michael Jackson. You moonwalked into music history. Pop music is officially dead. Long live the King of Pop.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to ““Remember the Time””

  1. What happened to MTV?

  2. Michael Jackson killed it dead? Then Puck and the rest stomped it into the dirt.

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