Mount Ventoux

So far, Le Tour has been slightly disappointing. It hasn’t been as exciting, because Astana has been making mince meat of the GC category. They’ve locked it down. No one else has come close, except for the Schleck brothers. They threw a wrench into the Astana train’s gears by climbing onto the podium on Wednesday, the last day in the Alps. It took the long individual time trial to dislodge the oldest, Frank, and Lance Armstrong, the old man, to show them how it’s done.

Today was the Mount Ventoux stage which would sort out the contenders from the pretenders. Usually, a mountain top finish would not be anywhere near the penultimate day of Le Tour. Usually. The GC contenders threw themselves up the slopes of the Giant of Provence. Andy Schleck showed that he was a young rider to contend with. He attacked, and attacked hoping to drag his brother back onto the podium. It did nothing. Lance Armstrong sat on their wheel all ride up not allowing them to breach the strangle lock that Astana has. The other top ten sorted themselves out keeping their places. Contador wins. Tomorrow will just be for the sprinters and the victory laps around the Champs Elysée.

And that’s why it was boring. The same things have happened as when Armstrong won his seven. The strong team goes out and locks down the GC, and the other contenders can only watch. More fireworks.

Afterwards, I went for a quick ride in the heat of the late morning. I should’ve ate breakfast, because their was not gas in my tank. Today was my own suffering on my Mount Ventoux.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.