Praise be to Kami-sama! She’s saved us! can't wait to see the LAST Endless Eight episode. I just torrented
the two previous episodes yesterday, and I can't bear to watch any one
of them. I didn't even make it through the first of the two let alone
want to watch the penultimate of this arc. It took me weeks to decide
on wanting to get those episodes. Now I look forward to the finish.I'll tell you what, I can't believe how pissed off I am at KyoAni at
this endless repeat of episodes. I'm angry because they're wasting my
time. They really know how to fuck with otaku. Last night while
watching the ep, I reminisced about how good the previous season was,
and how, with Endless Eight, the studio has ruined it for us. I want my
500 years back!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

6 Replies to “Praise be to Kami-sama! She’s saved us!”

  1. Seriously, the 8 part arc was 5 parts too long. The finale better be a freaking ridonkulous episode or I'm going to be even more pissed.

    By the way, you should watch The Wire. It's set in B'more and it's so good.

  2. Yup. I'm angry. Not even one iota of new details in any of the subsequent episodes. Absolutely churlish way to treat the fans of Suzumiya-sama. Just plain fucking wrong. Wrong. WRONG!

    As for The Wire. That's what everyone tells me. Don't know if, or when, I'll ever watch. Too much anime to dl.

  3. Downloading it now and crossing my fingers, man.

  4. Major fail…skip to the 18 minute mark…

  5. Maybe we're stuck in a recursive loop this summer and the only way to get out was to make sure no one wanted to sit through those episodes again.

  6. I can't wait for the dvds! Skip those and buy the endings. I'm pissed still.

    Finally. though

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