“Homeless, wino, history of evil… let’s just say he’s a fixer-upper.”

Link of the Day [9.15.09]Capitalism eats itself as well as its young, old and every one in between. It doesn't care about you. It doesn't care about your job or your house or your kids' schooling. It does what it does efficiently and ruthlessly. It's growth is unrelenting. It will make you happy for a while, but eventually it will make you sad. Don't say that there were no warning signs. Don't say that no one could've predicted. Someone can and did by just looking at how things work, extrapolating this to the future, and realizing it will destroy us.It is a cylce of destruction, and once we realize that we need to oversee this cycle to make it less destructive, we will realize that someone other than the Market should help.http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2009/09/13/why_capitalism_fails?mode=PF

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.