“Gee, and here I am mistaking the Museum of Yarn for the Guggenheim.”

"Go to DMC! Go to DMC!"That would be the crowd chant for Detroit Metal City fans as it is translated into English.Who is Detroit Metal City?You've got to read the manga to find out, but be forewarned, it's pretty offensive. And hilarious. And cruddily drawn, but don't let that stop you from asking me to borrow it. You'll be laughing your ass off and wondering what will Soichi do.The story is about Soichi a college grad who is the lead singer for Detroit Metal City, a death metal band. DMC is a mixture of Kiss and Gwar. They are a up and coming band. Good for them, but bad for Soichi who just wants to write sugary sweet bubblegum pop music. As the lead singer for DMC, Krauser II, Soichi is bad. As himself, he's good, but in reality, which role is the real Soichi. He comes so naturally to the Krauser role that his sweet normal self is almost a sham. He likes to become Krauser to express his more aggressive self.There are also fun aspects to the book. DMC's manager is a woman who loves to talk about how much DMC's awesomeness makes her wet. Soichi's band mates are also as bland as he is when they too aren't dressed up. And there's the love interest who thinks Soichi is a sweet guy, but he wants to do things, bad things, to her as Krauser.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.