Penultimate Game of the Season

Toronto Blue Jays @ Baltimore Orioles, Oct 3, 2009

Just got back from the Orioles game. It’s a WIN! They won’t lose 100 games this season. Close, but no cigar.

We went to the game early. Ate at Faidley’s again. Oysters, fried clams, and crab cakes. Plus a beer. Then we stroll down Howard to Camden Yards and get our tickets. I love that we suck, because you can get any seat in the house. I choose center left against the fence.

We get a beer at Pickles Pub waiting for the gates to open. When they do we collect our Orioles tankard, and wish we could’ve joined the Octoberfest festivities in the picnic area in center field. We go shag some fly balls in the bleachers during the Blue Jays batting practice. I get a ball!! It ricocheted off the back wall and into my glove. Sweet! We then switch up and shag balls near our seat. Nothing comes close as they tail off towards the foul poll.

The O’s win! Can’t wait for the last game of the season. See you there!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.