Link of the Day [10.13.09]

This blog can turn into any type of blog at a moments notice. It can seem to be about anime, manga, and 2D girls, then change on over to movie reviews. It can talk about the greatness of NewsRadio via NewsRadio Quote Month, and it can talk about the wackness that is George W. "President Fucktard" Bush. It'll dive into politics if I feel angry. It'll reminisce about past loves, lost loves, lost times, and good ol' times. It'll have thoughts about today, tomorrow, and the future. It is what I write it to be. And at this point it'll turn into a sports blog. Baseball because that's what I'm thinking about for the past several months. If you don't like, it come back in another day, and it will be about something else. Today's link will bring you to a debate about "Mr. October." In everyone's minds, it's Reggie Jackson. The way Alex Rodriguez has been on a tear, some people in New York thinks he ascended to the "Mr. Octorber" moniker. The link shows you their stats through 40+ games. They're similar and A-Rod actually has better numbers. The problem is that Reggie has been on World Series winning teams, and A-Rod has not been. But that's because of the Divisional playoff rounds. A-Rod has to go through an extra layer to make it to the World Series. Reggie Jackson didn't. A-Rod's teams had to go through tougher, meaningful games with teams hellbent on making it to the glory of the World Series. He isn't "Mr. October" because he's not played in the hotter crucible of single series elimination.But then A-Rod has played in more playoff games. His stats are loaded. The problem is that he was unable to bring home a title. That's why he's no "Mr. Ocotober." The World Series will end in November. Maybe A-Rod can be "Mr. November." Hee-hee.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.