Sports Blogging Continues

Wieters connects for 1st Homerun
Originally uploaded by wetwolf24.
We were at this game that night.

It was Marge@TheFishTank’s two favorite teams going mano-a-mano.

It was also Adam Jones Bobblehead night.

It was also awesome for the Aubrey Huff homer late in the game to sock it away for the Orioles.

I again find things on Flickr that is awesome.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Sports Blogging Continues”

  1. ah i shall never forget this time. the time when Matt Wieters hit his first home run and i was inside the bathroom. loser!

  2. Shouldn't have drunk all that beer then. 😉

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