Christmas Spirit

Sometimes I wish for three ghosts to visit me and remind me of what Christmas is all about. Either that or to have a thumbsucking optimist telling me of the first Christmas.

Where has my Christmas spirit gone?

It most likely disappeared when I basically stopped going to church. It’s not that I despise religion. It’s that I despise organized religion. On one hand the Church professes to be God’s representative on earth and on the other hand they have many despicable men in their employ. If God is infallible, why do we have to listen to men that can get it wrong?

Religion also gets my goat. It is used as a cudgel to hammer prejudice home into people’s minds.

Christmas? Bah humbug.

Yet, the idea of Jesus Christ is interesting and makes one happy. I can dig that guy and his hippy ideas. Why did religion mess up his message? Isn’t it enough that they’re living off his fame? Can’t the religious do anything right?

So, I’ll just continue on and try to make things seem like Christmas. I’ll read Dickens. I’ll watch the ol’ blockhead. I’ll try to catch the Christmas cheer.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.