Kami-sama’s Trailer

Will this make up for the debacle of Endless Eight?

I’m hoping so, because I am so psyched for this. I’m getting the bit torrent client ready.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “Kami-sama’s Trailer”

  1. nooo Kyon!!!! ah, so dramatic. and at least i knew how to read the word "ready?" hihihi!

  2. Every time I look at this video I want to run out and watch the movie. I wish I could.

    This story is sounding to be the greatest Haruhi-sama story ever.

  3. I want a copy of this when you download this sucker. Man that looks fantastic.

  4. I'm hoping that this does get torrented out here. It may take a while.

  5. i told u they can torrent it after it gets shown in Japan, only without subtitles. ;-p

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