Christmas Spirit

Sometimes I wish for three ghosts to visit me and remind me of what Christmas is all about. Either that or to have a thumbsucking optimist telling me of the first Christmas.

Where has my Christmas spirit gone?

It most likely disappeared when I basically stopped going to church. It’s not that I despise religion. It’s that I despise organized religion. On one hand the Church professes to be God’s representative on earth and on the other hand they have many despicable men in their employ. If God is infallible, why do we have to listen to men that can get it wrong?

Religion also gets my goat. It is used as a cudgel to hammer prejudice home into people’s minds.

Christmas? Bah humbug.

Yet, the idea of Jesus Christ is interesting and makes one happy. I can dig that guy and his hippy ideas. Why did religion mess up his message? Isn’t it enough that they’re living off his fame? Can’t the religious do anything right?

So, I’ll just continue on and try to make things seem like Christmas. I’ll read Dickens. I’ll watch the ol’ blockhead. I’ll try to catch the Christmas cheer.

An Education

You've probably never heard of An Education ( Me too. But we caught it at the Landmark down by the harbor. Then we got some drinks at the Irish pub.The movie is adapted from the writer's memoirs as she grew up in England. She's skipping school, dumping her sixth form boyfriend, and hanging out at art auctions with a cad. He takes her to Paris, introduces her to mature things, and takes her virginity. Oh, to be young, English and in love!You just know that it can't be so straight forward. There'll be some measure of violence, physical or emotional, visited upon our young heroine. The rules of a memoir always state that you must first be naïve, then the world must come crashing down on you, then you emerge wiser than your years. Our young heroine was played by Carey Mulligan who, in this film, was a dead wringer for the traveling pants girl. I swear to kami-sama that it was her, but had to wait for the credits to figure out if it was her. It wasn't and I was delighted and disappointed. What's her name again? And will I care later?My problem with the film is that I didn't really connect with the girl. What was it supposed to be like to be 16, English, sixth form, stressed at A levels? I don't know, so I couldn't connect. And after a bit I didn't care. I wanted to see the violence heaped on her, but that violence was so benign that it deflated the movie. That was it? The big revelation? Meh.So, I can like it for the cad from London but overall: meh. I think I drank the next to nights and forgot all about this movie. The rating reflects the lack of hatred towards or attraction to this movie. It's middle of the road for me.3 of 5 stars.

Link of the Day [12.17.09]

Brooks Robinson, Mr. Oriole, is getting a statue at Oriole Park at Camden Yards. From what I can tell, they are planning on placing it on the median strip by the bars across the stadium. This is not a good location to honor one of the best Orioles ever. I would like to see them move the Babe Ruth statue and put Brooks there. While Babe Ruth can claim a Baltimore birth right, he'll always been known as a Yankee. Babe Ruth may be the best known baseball player ever, but he doesn't capture the hearts of Baltimore fans like Brooks Robinson. Put Babe Ruth closer to the Babe Ruth museum. Put Brooks Robinson closer to the Baltimore fans right there on Eutaw Street.,0,2471035.story


I feel naked without my iPhone.Left it right on my coffee table. I looked right at it a minute before leaving. Said to myself, "Don't forget the phone." Threw on my coat and just left. iPhone is still on my coffee table.

Ninja Assassin

Ninja Assassin ( is a second rate movie with second rate actors directed by a hack and is only worth your while if you really want to see ninjas. Since I was in the move for ninjas (who will be the pirates for the next decade), I saw this movie for shits and giggles and was I ever disappointed.I'm not looking for a ninja movie being Citizen Kane. I'm not even looking for it to be Die Hard. I just want it to have exciting ninja scenes and fights. Ninja Assassin gave me mediocre ninja scenes and incomprehensible fights. Ninjas scaling the walls: fine. Ninjas creeping along quietly: expected. Ninjas dealing death from the shadows: YES! More please. Ninjas in love: Hunh? I can deal with the love story. All movies are love stories in the end. Just these ninjas in love fell in love during their ninja training at the secret ninja camp under the vengeful eye of the strict, evil ninja sensei. Not what I expected.The action scenes are also not what I was expecting. I thought that we would get asian cinema action, but instead got american cinema action. Asian cinema action while chaotic is beautiful to watch because you can see what is happening. American cinema action has devolved into incomprehensible movement. It's hard to see what is going on, who is hitting whom, or what is damaging what. The action simplified into limbs being hacked off and digital blood spraying. That blood looked absolutely fake, too, kind of like those pornos with digitally enhanced ejaculation.Even if all complaints were addressed, it would've been hard to make up for the lame story. It's a tale of revenge. The Ninja Assassin must go back to his clan and kick their ass for killing what he holds dear. He makes it back to the secret hideout and with the help of Interpol and massive firepower (Why have a big bang shootout for the finale? Where's the ninja swords?). Would it spoil your fun if you know that he triumphs? Then don't worry. There are nine clans of ninja assassins so that a sequel could be written for the Ninja Assassin to take out the other clans. Ninja Assassin — bah humbug!2 of 5 stars