54,605 meters

I’m about two weeks into the Holiday Challenge and I’m completely pooped. Eight full days of working out: 5 workdays last week and 3 days so far this week. The title says it all. I have about 10 days left. Maybe I can do it.

The first week, last week, I was doing 5000 meters plus 1 mile on the treadmill a day. My knees were aching because 30000 meters was more than I have done in a week. It was 100% more and I feeling it. So this week. That mile is gone. I was also working out. Maybe next week my gym workout would only be rowing on the rowing machine.

Quote of the Day [12.07.09]

“What I’m thinking in my head is, ‘Well, the truth is, Brian, we can’t solve global warming because I fucking changed light bulbs in my house. It’s because of something collective’.”

President Obama talking about the inanities of our national press specifically that fucktard Brian Williams.

My Best Films of the Year: 2009

The end of the year and the end of the aughts brings another list of movies. Like the previous ones, these movies are rated 4 stars and above when I wrote the review. Most likely, if I re-watch them, they wouldn’t be rated so high.

Star Trek (5)
Drag Me To Hell (4)
Duplicity (4)
I Love You, Man (4)
Watchmen (4)
The Wrestler (4)

Every year, the lists seems to get shorter. I’m either being more judgmental of the films I saw this year or my taste is getting more refined. I admit that this year I have missed lots of movies in the theatre. I shouldn’t have published my list until seeing the movies of December, but I doubt I would ever get to those coming out this month. I’ll update if appropriate. I can’t wait to see yours.

Haruhi plays baseball

As the title says, “Episode 4” of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I think watching this episode made me want to watch some baseball. You could say that Suzumiya-sama was the one that got me back into watching baseball.

This is the middle part, but the rest of the episode is pretty awesome as well. You should watch the whole thing.

Reading Techniques

Earlier tonight, me and the usual suspects were at our usual haunt, the bookstore. I didn’t bother getting a volume of manga or a book, because my nightstand is currently full. The seed did. I’m at the usual haunt so often that I’ve accumulated plenty of books. It may almost be impossible to read them all. Except that you buy them, you must read them.

Here’s how I am getting through them.

I’ve decided to read more than one book at a time. “Incredulous!” you say. But that is the only way you can get through the backlog. When you read a book, and you find that it sucks, but don’t want to not finish, then you’re stuck if you only read one at a time. If you’re on several books, you can always switch from the sucky one to the good one. It will take longer but you’ll eventually finish the sucky one.

I’ve also kept a bathroom book. When conducting you’re business, read a few pages or a chapter or two. But be careful, your may feet fall asleep.

Finally, know when to say when. If the book really does suck, and you wont finish it. Cut your losses. Start a new book. Forget the sucky one forever perhaps donate to library.

Those are some of the tips I shared with the usual suspects. If you’ve got more then feel free to share in comments.


What is it good for?

So, President Obama surged some troops into Afghanistan following in President Fucktards surge into Iraq. I thought we elected this guy for change. We continue to do the same stupid fucking things. When will we get a leader who’ll grow some big brass ones?


What's the etiquette for when you enter a bathroom stall as someone leaves? Do you make a comment? Do you act offended? Or do you suck it up and hold your snarkiness in, because you're about to add to the atmosphere? Just wondering. (I was the one leaving, and another came in immediately as I walked out the stall.)