Holiday Challenge

As a way to stave off the weight gain during the holidays, I'm trying to participate in Concept 2 Rowing's Holiday Challenge. It is a way to donate to charity and get exercise at the same time. I say I'm trying because the Challenge kicks money to charity only if you do 100,000 meters between November 26 and December 24. So currently I haven't contributed any money to charity as I am only at 13,636 meters as of today. Just another 86,364 meters!My plan is to do at least 5,000 meters every day at the gym at work where the only rowing machine is available to me. I'm also still working out and I usually add a cooldown jog on the treadmill of at least 1 mile. I'll be burnt out by Christmas, but maybe I'll be fitter.Anyhow, if you need a training partner, look me up.

Link of the Day [12.01.09]

Bob Herbert knocks one out of the park today. He knows that the US is facing tough choices. He knows that the President is facing tough choices. He knows we are facing tough choices. Sadly, he knows we like to take the easy way out.We have decided to fund our military industrial complex in order to conduct wars, wanted or unwanted. Rather than spending money to benefit our populace, we're spending money for helping other countries. We don't want to spend money helping ourselves, but we don't even want to spend money to help other countries really. We want me to keep the money.That's no way to run a country. Until we realize that spending is spending, we'll never get to being as great as we think we are.

31 Days

December 1, 2009. Look at that date. 12-01-09. Twelve. One. Zero-nine. It is finally here.The end of the year is coming, and with it, the end of the decade. The first one of the 21st century. It seemed like it was only yesterday that we had just worried about Y2K. It seemed like it was only yesterday that we had nothing to fear. It seemed like it was only yesterday that the future was bright.But now the future is here and it isn't like anything we thought it was going to be. It has changed. Not as glorious as we would've liked. Everything and more as it was meant to be. What is it that has come before this day? What is it that will be from here on out? The past is certain. The present is clear. The future starts now.