G’uh? B’uh.

Bored at work. Who does like to work? I sure don't and on my current project, I'm about at the stage of not caring. If it was only better, or something I would've wanted to do, then maybe I would actually attempt something, but I'm just checking out things.I'm giving some links here that discuss animation. If you remember of my take on the last decade of film, the Pixar film, The Incredibles, was the one film to really stick with me through the decade. I had said that watching that had been a revelation of what animation as a medium can do. Also, I expressed my disappointment in the rest of American animation. It doesn't try to stretch the boundaries in terms of stories. Then I expressed fondness for the Japanese animation director, Miyazaki, and his Spirited Away. Is it international animation that is more daring?So, I'm thinking that I have plenty of time on my hands to research and understand the state of animated films. In particular I want to look at the difference US and international animated films.http://www.thehousenextdooronline.com/search/label/Pixar%20Week

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.