Cheese curls

Looking for snacks before the storm?

I wish Planter’s still made their cheese snack line especially their cheese curls. I loved that they advertised on the can that it was made with real cheese flavor. Hmm, made with cheese flavor? That doesn’t sound like it was made with real cheese though.

As far as getting snowed in. I’ve already got some ramen and some eggs. I just need the salty snack to help while away the lonesome day.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “Cheese curls”

  1. Mmmm. You guys always had that awesome planters Cheese curls.

  2. it's raining over here buddy. But we'll be watching the Saints win the SuperBowl!! WHO DAT NATION!

  3. Wegmans has a cheese curl line. I havent had it but they always make great approximations.

  4. @akeshia: Go Saints! I have to always root against the Colts because of their move from Bmore.

    @capswell: Can you try those out. I want to know what can replace my beloved Planters Cheese Curls.

  5. ahh cheese curls… anything by that nut gets to me. Planters, where are u?

    my house has a lot of snacks. ive not had any in the last two weeks. weeh!

    time to jog now! =p

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