Amazing Race Live Blogging Season 16

I can’t believe I’m resurrecting this hoary old trope. What’s it been seven or eight races ago? Yet still it’s fun. Better than tweeting it because no one reads my tweets except for the vast twitterverse.

Folgers taste like shit. Just like Dominos pizza. Except that’s all I’ve got.

TAR starts out in Chile. Hope the country can survive the latest earthquake. Good luck to the chileans and to the racers.

That gnome! Scares me.

Hospital! You can’t let the runs stop you!

Those folksy cowboys have it in the bag. It’s theirs to lose. You heard it here first.

That gnome! Poker face! Dudes. All in!

Cowboys got in the bag.

Come on asian girl. Do it!

Did I miss the cute girl who got eliminated last week?

Also doing laundry. When’s my drier load gonna be finished? I dont want to be up all night.

Be a cowboy? Aint we all trying to grow up to be one?

Had to fold some whites. What did I miss? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Nope. Those girls are done.

Dudes cant hit that polo shit straight. And how come the asians are fourth? Who was second?

Girls can’t hit. Do the random search. Too bad.

Dating models. That just brings the hate, right? Was that Blue Steel? Or magnum?

Sorry girls.

Good night. I have no idea what happened. Or who to root for, but I’m liking the cowboys and not the dating models. Blue steel!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

6 Replies to “Amazing Race Live Blogging Season 16”

  1. why cant any of these teams follow directions!

  2. Also we can't comment on your twitters. Heh.
    I can't watch this show. I don't know why, but 1 season was enough for me. Like Big Brother and that island one. I can't get into these.

    They aren't bad shows, I just get really bored.

  3. The problems with reality tv, successful reality tv shows, is that they become familiar. Not just the viewer, but also to the contestants. The contestants can now act as stupid or as smart as the last bunch in order to win or to be sensational. It is that meta-acting that can make the show boring.

    Yet with TAR, they seem to get a few different types that make it mildly interesting. I haven't blogged the show in a while, because I hadn't watched in a while.

    It gets interesting when you can root and jeer for teams.

  4. O and you can comment on my tweets by tweeting back at me. That;s how twitter works.

  5. I know, but it's not the same. The retweet doesn't feel the same to me. It's just a way to suck people to others tweets. I like how this feels like a closed forum.

  6. Oh and it's quite limiting. Although that line would have worked. Heh.

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