Oscar Pool Reminder and Open Thread

Thanks to the one and only incomparable Annie, we receive an appreciation from one of last year’s winners. Annie ruled the micro points portion of our contest, won a copy of Bolt, and shared her little ones (minus one) enjoyment of this Disney Pixar attempt. Although, those multi-prize times are gone, they’ll be back soon. This year, though, it’s a cage match to the death. “N men enter 1 man leaves!” Our goal this year: beat the two time champ riss.

Consider this an open thread on the Oscar (pool) race

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Oscar Pool Reminder and Open Thread”

  1. Oh man. If I lose, I want to be wiped out from the get go. I don't want it like last year when my head got chopped off at the end. Heh. That sucked.

    Crazy race last year though.
    2009 Oscar Pool Spreadsheet

    What I love about these pools is the assumption of what we believe the Academy voters think. So far all the Victorian films have one best costume, but will Chanel change that? I hope not. Heh. Will the Academy give the award to a film that made the least amount at Box Office? Fun stuff.

    It's never about what we believe is the best pictures of the year. That's the fun part and the reason it makes it not so disappointing to watch the Oscars. My 3 faves from last year didn't even make the best picture race. Hell one wasn't even given an Oscar push.

  2. I haven't submitted my own because I have to take a look at what the hell those pictures nominated are about. It makes it difficult to figure out the academy voters intentions if you have no idea what the film is from the title.

    I'm approaching it like the academy member who is too lazy to watch any films. Which one sounds like the winner? Although, at some point my biases come into play. Can I really vote for Avatar? I just saw Hurt Locker and was underwhelmed!

    I wish I was a robot to vote on this without any emotion at all. Just logic. I wonder if the academy voters will do the same.

  3. Yeah. Hurt Locker was a well done film, but I don't think it's actually a best picture film. It could have been an Emmy contender though. Heh.

    I'm watching Serious Man now and it's pretty damn good. I haven't finished it yet, but if I were to vote for best pic in real life? I'd probably go with Inglorious Basterds. It was just a fun film. Once I got adjusted to the film that was and not the film I wanted it to be, it really shined. I liked Up in the Air, but there was something missing from that film. I'd have to see it again. It didn't help with us sitting in an uncomfortable place. The problem with films are that it takes time to really explore a persons work. It also comes down to personal preferences and mood. So I guess it's hard to knock the industries choices in these matters.

    Thank God for Oscar pools!!!! Seeing all these votes for Avatar is freaking me out a bit.

  4. There are too many films to choose from but can I just vote the random movie that I didn't get to see? Jk! It hurts that playing Oscar pool makes me give up conviction coz te Academy don't pick my picks. What if I wanted "Up" for best pic just coz it's different from the rest? It's like Fish Tank playing this back in 08 where she sucked it and didn't care. Hihihi!

    Of course I still sucked last year. But moving on…

    She just wishes to do a decent job of voting/playing this year.

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