Akira Kurosawa 100th

If he had lived this long, today would be famed Japanese director Akira Kurosawa’s 100th birthday. As you know, if you’ve been following me on twitter, TCM has been showing his films every Tuesday of the month. Tonight’s Seven Samurai, a film I regard as one of the best ever made and one of my 5 favorites of all time. Earlier this month, I also caught Ikiru, also pretty awesome, and caught up with Akahige (Red Beard), a feudal drama.

There is something about Kurosawa that I can’t really express. His films I love. The most famous actors he collaborated with, Toshiro Mifune and Takeshi Shimura, I too love. His stories, re-telling Shakespeare. His samurai epics. His crime thrillers. His humanism. Great, great stuff from a master of cinema. In the pantheon of great directors, he has got to be amongst the best of the best. He’s influenced me and I don’t even direct movies.

Happy Birthday to the Emperor, Akira Kurosawa! Celebrate by watching something he directed.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Akira Kurosawa 100th”

  1. Last night I watched "Roshomon" and "Seven Samurai." Both were amazing. The emotion in the characters and also the images. I think the collaboration between Mifune and Kurosawa is what a lot of directors hope to find these days. It just works so well.

    In Roshomon, I particularly liked the scene where Tajomaru finds the wife cooling off in the pond. And she is veiled hiding who she is. The different perspectives allows you to see multiple stories in one great film. To me, it was kind of existentialism with a dash of hope. I can certainly see how he has inspired filmmakers, both east and west. Now I want to see more of his work.

  2. Hey, we were watching TCM at the same time! Did you stay up late to finish off Seven Samurai? I forgot how long that movie is: a 3 1/2 hour action flick. Loved every minute of it though.

    I recommend you check out Ikiru if you want some drama or Ran if you want more samurai action

  3. I DVR'd it because I tend to pass out around 10pm. 30-something narcolepsy.

    We both have the same great afficionado taste. Ha! Once I get my Internet connected to the Cinechat feature on my BlueRay, I'm hoping I'll be able to watch movies with out of town friends.

    I missed Ikiru earlier in the month but I can record Ran next Tuesday. I love TCM.

  4. Yeah, I was pretty tired when I woke up 15 minutes later than normal.

    Pretty much every night I watch TCM though. I just can't get enough of the old timey movies.

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