More Music From Seven Samurai

More music from Seven Samurai in honor of Akira Kurosawa’s 100th birthday. I think this was from the attack on the brigands base. That is one hell of a beat though. And does this remind anyone of the Sith?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “More Music From Seven Samurai”

  1. This will always be the best movie ever made. I mean it literally has everything you love about film in one movie. The old man with the creepy music-Horror, the romeo and juliet love story, the Saving Private Ryan battles… It has EVERYTHING. Small scenes, big scenes. Great characters, comedy, tragic drama and dramedy… EVERYTHING an alien needs to know about film is in that very film. Everything.

    By the way, the Fantastic Mr. Fox Bluray came out on Tuesday… Just saying. Heh.

  2. Yeah. It's a pretty phenomenal movie. Love the music too.

    I heard that The Maginificent Seven theme is beloved by many. I think that the Seven Samurai theme should be as well. Those horns are awesome!

    Mr. Fox BluRay? Okay.

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