160 Games Left

It's too early to criticize the Orioles. There are 160 games left. There's plenty of time to make it alright. Two games is not enough to estimate the quality of the team. Yet still, the first two losses of the season are an extension of the ways they lost last year: bullpen collapsing and not hitting with runners in scoring positions.The expectations are high for the fans. We're told the team is on the right path. The team is better than it was last year with the addition of free agents and with the maturation of our young stars. The team will win more games.Expectations can be dashed with reality.Will the free agents add hits and runs while maintaining a solid defense? Will our young players fulfill the potential that baseball scouts say they have? Will our pitching solidify into quality starters and solid bullpen work? Will the team score more runs and give up less runs than last year? Will they make all games competitive?The two games so far make the case for the negative. Our hopes were high. Now we wonder if we were deluding ourselves.But let's see. We still have 160 left.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “160 Games Left”

  1. Bullpen power and power hitters. A team that can seal the game for themselves. A team that's hungry to earn runs and doesn't want to give it up. Like on the first game, damn, I was using At Bat and so I don't see what's really happening in the game. But then the thing just suddenly updated, refreshed by itself, and wow, we lost. That Gonzo dude was supposed to freakin show he can save and he didn't? might as well put JJ on that spot! Orioles are promising and we fans are being promised of this. I still believe they'll survive, but they just have to prove it soon.

    Enjoy opening day at the Yard!

  2. What drives me crazy is that they keep swinging the bats and not getting the job done. They need to get on base more. Walks. Hits. Or something else just get on base. Things may happen.

    Solo home runs become something else when someone's on base.

    Just do it dammit.

    The bullpen has been alright. The pitching overall has been alright. The hitting is atrocious.

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