The A-Team

Why do I keep labeling these posts with thoughts on the film I watched as reviews? I don’t think I review them well, but I do do some snarky commentary. On occasion, I do write something resembling a review, but it’s few and far between.

That said, then let’s see what I have to say about The A-Team.

I wasn’t a fan of the original show. Never really watched it religiously because I couldn’t get over the fact that they shot at the bad guys, but never killed anyone. So my expectations are low already. I can’t compare it to some beloved show from my youth, because it isn’t beloved.

It was fun, pure summer movie fun. Lot’s of things blowing up. People dying! People shot. Face macking on some girl. Hannibal scheming. Murdoch crazy, actually lunatic insane crazy. BA being a badass. What more do you need from mindless summer entertainment? Popcorn, too. Then there is the Jessica Biel. Hot. Beautiful legs. Except, she wasn’t needed. A little bit of the love-romantic interest? Not needed. All we need is the plan so that it comes together.

Yup. It does.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.