Knight and Day

It’s 1 AM and here I am writing up my thoughts on Knight and Day. This way, when you read my review/thoughts, it’ll keep you away from a very muddled flick. Unless, of course, you like messes.

The commercials don’t convey how messed up this movie is. It looks like a fun ride with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, except it was a movie saddled with a random script and little chemistry between the two protagonists. I was hoping for a fun ride, but got sick as the movie winded its way to its happy ending.

I thought the film was written and produced by Tom Cruise, because of his prominent mugging in the camera. I wanted to see that though. I wanted the jumping on Oprah’s couch Tom Cruise promised by the trailers. I got it but in too high a volume. But he was certainly the best thing going in the movie. “With me. Without me.” Hee hee.

Cameron Diaz has the Cameron Diaz problem: beautiful in one light, ugly in another. She was ugly for most of the time in this one.

There were some good parts — kicking the waiter, a dangling Tom Cruise, but they were parts of the muddled mess.

I think you may want to watch it, but don’t forget I told you its a head scratcher.

2 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.