Link of the Day [8.18.10]

You can always get what you need from the internet, but is it always the best, most satisfying way. I could've bought the Russian stacking dolls when I was in Russia, but I didn't, and instead, received mine via a Chinese knock-off. When you travel souvenirs or knick-knacks are great to bring back. Pictures are always great, too. The one thing you can't bring back is the food you ate. You ate it there, but you can't get the same experience here. Eating is a wonderful way to experience a foreign country. If we could only bring back the food we ate, it would go with all the knick-knacks and pictures and stories about your trip.Today's link is a NYTimes article detailing the devotion of some people who love to get the food from places they've visited. Obviously, this is from in country trips. I wish that we could get some food from out of country. I'd have jamon iberico to my heart's delight.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Link of the Day [8.18.10]”

  1. Completely agree.

    I want my Icelandic Hot Dog and my Fanta

  2. I want an Icelandic Hot Dog too. Damn it.

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