20 Miles

I haven’t ridden my bikes all year.

Only twice. But those 20 miles don’t count considering I used to do 600+ a year.

I had promised myself a century before I am forty. That leaves one last year. I plan to do it, but most good (read easy) century rides happen later in the fall.

Here’s a few rides that may happen again next year that I should be targeting:

Back Roads Century
Seasons Change Metric Century
Shenandoah Fall Foliage Bike Festival
Between the Waters Bike Tour
Civil War Century
Save A Limb Ride

Eventually, I’ll do my century at least before I die.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “20 Miles”

  1. i cant believe u didnt ride your bike. wow.

  2. I did but not as much as I wanted to. When I get lazy, I get lazy.

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