Monday Morning Musings [part the 3rd]

Let's take a look at the drive to work to celebrate the first day of school for many of the students in MD. Last week, if I had left my house at 7:30 AM, I would've been treated to a congestion free commute to work lasting 40 minutes for a 30 mile drive. Today, I get the school traffic that will complicate the morning and afternoon commutes. It will add another 10 to 15 minutes to the drive, and all of that within the first 10 miles of the drive.Why do I accept it? Because I chose where I live.Should I have moved closer to work? Should I find a new job closer to home?Having house closer to work would make my quality of life better. Less taxing on the cars. Less money spent on gas. Less aggravation caused by the traffic. More time to sleep. More time to eat breakfast. More money in the pocket.How is your daily commute, and would you change it for the better or worse?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Monday Morning Musings [part the 3rd]”

  1. Well, it takes me about five minutes to get to work. Traffic in this small town that I live in is not even remotely comparable to what I knew in the Big City.

    The longest it's ever taken me is 15-20 minutes because of school zones and actually driving the 35 mph speed limit.

    The first thing I learned in moving here was to slow down to the lazy crawl of small town life. But I would say that even when I lived elsewhere, that close proximity to work was a plus. Unless you have deep roots to your neighborhood. For instance, I loved living in South Miami and didn't mind the hour long drive to North Miami. Because no one in their right mind would trade living in lush and vibrant South Miami. (at least not me)

    A long commute for me would just turn into "time to listen to that audiobook or learn a new language in that hour long commute."

    But now I'm spoiled. I like to sleep. And five minutes to work is all I will accept. So that extra hour to get in some intelligence building activity just doesn't happen. Maybe my intelligence is suffering and I'm getting dumber cuz i live in a smaller less bustling place. LOL

    aha but sleep makes you live longer. so there!

  2. For the past ten years, my commute has steadily increased as the company has grown. What was once maybe a ten minute commute has now extended itself to 25 minutes on a good day.

    But since I get to make my own hours and do pretty much whatever I want to do, I'm not complaining.

  3. I only complain about the traffic and not the distance. I like where I live. It either can take me 30 mins or an hour depending on the mood of those drivers

  4. Thanks for all the comments, guys. Everyone has some complaining about commutes, but it is what it is because we've settled down in the places we wanted to.

    I should move.

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